Michael Carey fighting the good fight and he is close to passing another very important law. Perhaps the most important piece of legislation Carey initiated & worked to pass. I have spent much of my adult life identifying sincere people like Michael, he is the real deal. His ongoing struggle since the murder of his highly dysfunctional autistic child while in state care to empower the most vulnerable continues to this day. Carey is at the L.O.B. in Albany right now. Carey is urging legislators to “Please support his 911 bill”. Mandated Reporters have a mandate for a reason. That reason is not to cover up the State of New York’s systematic failure. It is to EXPOSE these failures and thus expedite systemic corrections, improvements and development.
Looks Like in 2017 NY legislators will Pass the 911 bill, only question is will Governor Andrew Cuomo sign it or continue in his efforts to obstruct its passage. If he vetoes the bill it appears at this time to have an override majority support. Time will tell. Mandated reporters & all of us will sleep better at night if it passes because we know the Justice Center has been a tragic failure to bring bad things to light. A real fix must be found and 911 appears to be just that. Bad things we all need to know in order to protect and serve the most vulnerable in our society. This short journal entry is my first for NNN and it precedes a series of video interviews exposing truth currently swept under government rugs I am doing with Michael Carey EXCLUSIVELY for The Net News Network.
Links will forthcoming.
I hope you will follow this story.
New York voters are encouraged to click this link and let your Senator know you support this legislation.
Carl R.Gottstein Jr. NNN New York
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