Dr Vassilios Damiras analyzes the various international threats that the World faces and the American response....
Dr Vassilios Damiras focuses on the situation and American response in Ukraine Greece Turkey and the Eastern Mediterranean Sea....
Dr Vassilios Damiras analyses the Russian influence in the Balkans....
Dr Damiras Discusses World Chaos amp America's Reaction....
Dr Vassilios Damiras Internatational Relations Expert discusses how the USA can recreate a strong Pax Americana....
Dr Vassilios Damiras International Relations Expert Evaluates The Relationship Between The USA amp Russia....
Dr Vassilios Damiras argues that the United States of America is the only country that can promote and safeguard global....
Dr Vassilios Damiras examines and presents the sensitive relationship between the USA and China....
Dr Vassilios Damiras discusses the severe challenges of American foreign policy under the Biden administration....
Dr Vassilios Damiras nbsp examines and analyzes the new domestic and global uncertainties the USA faces....
Dr Vassilios Damiras examines how America deals with global challenges....
Dr Vassilios Damiras examines and analyzes the global situation and the American response....
Dr Vassilios Damiras discusses and analyzes the importance of the troubled relations between Greece Turkey and the United States....
Dr Vassilios Damiras discusses the st anniversary of and the future of American foreign policy....
Dr Vassilios Damiras examines and analyzes British foreign policy in a post-Elizabethan II reign....
Dr Vassilios Damiras commemorates the political life of Michael Gorbachev nbsp....
Dr Vassilios Damiras assesses the Chinese posture towards Taiwan....
Dr Vassilios Damiras analyzes and critiques the incompetence of President Biden in Foreign Affairs....
Dr Vassilios Damiras discusses and analyses how the world needs America....
Dr Vassilios Damiras presents the current crises between Greece and Turkey and the American reaction....
Dr Vassilios Damiras discusses and analyses the US-Iranian situation and its global ramifications....
Dr Vassilios Damiras examines and analyzes the situation of Ukraine and the role of the USA....
Dr Vassilios Damiras discusses the global implications of the Ukrainian conflict....
Dr Vassilios Damiras discusses the role of the USA as a superpower To Learn More About Dr Damiras A Phenomenal....
Dr Vassilios Damiras analyzes the dramatic situation in Ukraine and the American response....
Dr Vassilios Damiras continues to examine and analyze the global chaos that Russia and China are creating and the American....
Dr Vassilios Damiras nbsp discusses the current global crises that the U S A faces....
Dr Vassilios Damiras explains why the USA needs to remain engaged in global affairs....
Dr Vassilisos Damiras discusses and analyses the challenges of American foreign policy across the globe....
Dr Vassilios Damiras discusses the challenges of American foreign policy in....
Dr Vassilios Damiras continues to talk about the situation in Afghanistan after the American withdrawal....
Dr Vassilios Vassilios discusses the American involvement and withdrawal in Afghanistan....
Dr Vassilios Damiras discusses and examines the global challenges that the USA faces daily and the incompetence of the Biden....
Dr Vassilios Damiras discusses the serious challenges that the U S A faces in domestic and foreign affairs....
Dr Vassilios Damiras examines and analyses the global challenges that the Biden administration faces....
Dr Vassilios Damiras analyses and explains the foundation and evolvement of American foreign policy in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea....
Dr Vassilios Damiras discusses after twenty years Correction nbsp On February a bomb exploded inside the parking garage of the....
Dr Vassilios Damiras explains and analyses the chaotic situation that the Biden administration has created across nbsp the globe....
Dr Vassilios Damiras discusses the American debacle in Afghanistan....
Dr Vassilios Damiras briefly explains the current situation in Afghanistan....
Dr Vassilios Damiras discusses the current global events and the American Reaction....
Dr Vassilios Damiras continues to examine and analyze the critical and crucial events that are challenging Pa Americana....
Dr Vassilios Damiras nbsp discusses nbsp and analyses the global challenges that the Biden administration faces and its response to....
Dr Vassilios Damiras discusses the Israeli-Palestinians conflict and its global ramifications....
Dr Vassilios Damiras discusses the serious challenges the USA faces across the globe and the weak American reaction....
Dr Vassilios Damiras discusses the challenges that the U S A faces in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea....
Dr Vassilios Damiras introduces his radio show to the public This radio show will cover various American national security issues....