The data is rather specific. Objects documented by my aligned optic tube assemblies indicate that this specific anomaly
has predominance within our airspace.
This trajectory is indicative to Thought.
If this was a random event, then the probabilities associated with events with similarities suggests “Intelligent control”.
However; to have a plethora of examples, we must consider that whomever pilots these objects, has an objective based on exactness in its actions.
I’ll further this research with additional examples, indicating obvious predominance in our airspace.
Is this why NASA has enlisted Priests to help those that do not believe, that Aliens (ET) are here, and more are on the way.
Aliens (extraterrestrials), more intelligent than man, have been here for thousands of years.
They may have in fact been here during the creation of this planet.
For Humans to think that they are the only sentient intelligence in the Universe is absurd.
God did make many tings, and most of them are in invisibility, and obscured from human view,by default.
Humans can’t see in invisibility (Gamma ray/X-ray/Ultraviolet ray/Infrared ray).
Our visual limitations are obvious, we can’t see beyond ISO 800 nocturnally.
While my data is relative to ISO 204800/ISO 409600 470nm IR.
We also cannot see satellites 350 miles in orbit.
To have this ability, we certainly would be able to tell the tail number of an aircraft at 40,000 feet.
Obviously, we do not have exceeding capabilities!
Those making these claims are fallacious.
The data relative to this specific object, documented by Dr. Edgar Mitchell on the Lunar surface during Apollo 14 EVA 1,
indicates predominance based on frequency (repetitive events).
Repetition indicates thought, and I have examples which repeated 4 times, 365 days apart, starting in 2013.
These events preclude randomness.
Randomness does not include exactness in events.
We most certainly cannot say that they’re coincidental.
I’ll further the discussion with examples taken from the Holy Bible..
Channel : NetNewsVideoBroadcastNet News Stream : UFOdc NetNewsCatster: Wilbur Allen, PhD.