On this show, And, So It Begins: Reports already document voting machines flipping votes! – Election worker fired after man finds boxes of unsecured ballots in parking lot – Microsoft says China Bots target US down-ballot races – Russia, Iran, China could stoke post-election violence claims US Intel – we'll explore. Borderline: Harris admits to Telemundo she is for amnesty for illegal immigrants – DHS identifies hundreds of unlawful migrants with possible ties to bloodthirsty Venezuelan gang – Hundreds of international gang members active in US, more to come? – Poll indicates New Jersey voters shift to the Right on immigration issues – we'll examine. Election 2024: CNN's Nate Silver says ‘My gut says’ Trump wins, ‘but don’t trust anyone’s gut’ – James Carville claims three reasons he's certain Kamala Harris will win – Democrats fear Kamala Harris could lose close race – Harris claims she was 'honest with the American people' about Biden's mental acuity in pressing NBC news interview – Swing State McDonald’s threatened after Trump visit, owner retains private security – we'll analyze. Plus, Fire chief gets fired for attending Christian event, now Supreme Court asked to get involved. And, Famed Christian publication delivers stunning guide to voters facing decisive election. http://www.spreaker.com/show/christian-talk-that-rocks https://christiantalkthatrocks.net or http://christiantalkthatrocks.com