On The Border Of Insanity: Biden Admin. ‘secretly flying’ hundreds of thousands of illegals into 43 cities – Elon Musk: ‘The groundwork is being laid for something far worse than 9/11’ – AZ Governor vetoes bill greenlighting police arrests of illegals – Senator thwarts effort to pass bill detaining illegal immigrants charged with violent crime – West Virginia Governor rips network hosts who mocked voters concerned about border – Fox News reporter puts MSNBC hosts in their place for mocking voters worried about border crisis – Texas AG declares states have ‘Right to Self-Defense’ – Spate of assaults, murders, and rapes across the country has been characterized by critics as an illegal ‘migrant crime wave’ – we’ll analyze. Election 2024: Democrats urge Biden to see ‘warning sign’ after voters abandon him, ‘Not something that should be ignored’ – ‘Practice run for November?’ Facebook, related sites go dark on Super Tuesday – Biden avoids media questions, ‘I’ll Get in Trouble’ – we’ll examine. Secessionitis: A quarter of US adults want their state to secede – Texans, Californians, and New Yorkers are closest to the exit, but another state wants out the most!Plus, Judge sides with grocery store employee who was fired for thwarting shoplifter in California: ‘The dumbest cruelest incident.’ And, Faith Under Fire: Report: U.S. Sees Spike in Attacks on Christian Churches. https//www.spreaker.com/show/christian-talk-that-rocks https://christiantalkthatrocks.net or http://christiantalkthatrocks.com