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It’s time to smile for the family portrait… On this episode of Conservatives Talk Justin and Jamie congratulate the new GAGOP Executive Board on well fought campaigns. They give their thoughts on issues and what happened throughout Saturday. They laughed, they cried, and they made friends with opponents. It’s time for the rest of the party to follow suit. @VeteransForAmericaFirst, @NetNewsNetwork, #DontBeMadVoteRed, #IfYouDontVoteItsYourFault, #ThatsGoingToGetUsSued, #ThatsGoingToGetUsCanceled, #ChopOnButDontChopItOff, #BoycottHometownHeadlines, #CallYourRomeCityCommissioners, #VeteransForAmericaFirst, #VFAF, #VetVoice, #NetNewsNetwork