NetNewsVideo,sm “CONSERVATIVES TALK W/ JUSTIN & JAMIE” Investigations, Legislation, Or Both
NetNewsVideo,sm “CONSERVATIVES TALK W/ JUSTIN & JAMIE” Investigations, Legislation, Or Both
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Republicans are only focused on investigations and not legislating. Justin brings up a little quid pro quo from the Biden administration in Canada. Jamie talks about how the 2A is soaring in 2022. Then they delve into how CNN is just wrong about the looming rail strike. Finally, Buck tells us about how Biden’s oil terminal is nothing more than America Last Policy! @VeteransForAmericaFirst, @NetNewsNetwork.Net, #DontBeMadVoteRed, #IfYouDontVoteItsYourFault, #SplitTicketVotersSuck, #ThatsGoingToGetUsSued, #ThatsGoingToGetUsCanceled, #ChopOnButDontChopItOff, #BoycottHometownHeadlines, #CallYourRomeCityCommissioners, #VeteransForAmericaFirst, #VFAF, #VetVoice, #NetNewsNetwork
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