Campaigning in the digital world… On this episode of Conservatives Talk, Justin and Jamie speak with Rob Lee, a long time Conservative digital media strategist. They talk about how the political campaign game has evolved over the years. They talk about where they see it going, and how it can effectively be used to push the Conservative message. You can find out more information from Rob by going to If you’d like to sign up for one of their digital campaign bootcamps go to @VeteransForAmericaFirst, @NetNewsNetwork, #DontBeMadVoteRed, #IfYouDontVoteItsYourFault, #ThatsGoingToGetUsSued, #ThatsGoingToGetUsCanceled, #ChopOnButDontChopItOff, #BoycottHometownHeadlines, #CallYourRomeCityCommissioners, #VeteransForAmericaFirst, #VFAF, #VetVoice, #NetNewsNetwork